02 January 2009

Bibliography for Intelligence of the Neanderthals

This is the cited references in Intelligence of the Neanderthals.

Akazawa, T., M. Muhesen, Y. Dodo, O. Kondo, Y. Mizoguchi,
1995, “Neanderthal Infant Burial”, Nature 377/6550: 585-586.

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1995, İnsan ve Evrim, İstanbul, Ege Yayınları.

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1999, “İnsanın Evrim Süreci ve En Eski Kültürleri”, Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 2: 31-49.

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1995, “Comment on ‘Concept-mediated Marking in the Lower Paleolithic’ by R. G. Bednarik”, Current Anthropology 36/4: 616.

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1995, “Concept-mediated Marking in the Lower Paleolithic”, Current Anthropology 36/4: 605-634.

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2001, “Chauvet Mağarası”, National Geographic Türkiye Ağustos 2001: 150-167.

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2002, “Neanderthal Man- A True Human After All”, http://www.angelfire.com/mi/dinosaurs/neanderthal.html, (21.01.2002).

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1995, “Comment on ‘Concept-mediated Marking in the Lower Paleolithic’ by R. G. Bednarik”, Current Anthropology 36/4: 618-620.

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2002, “İnsan Gerçekten ‘Üstün’ Mü?”, Hürriyet Bilim 19: 3.

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1996, İnsan ve Kültür, İstanbul, Remzi Kitabevi.

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1998, “How Much Like Us Were the Neandertals?”, Science 282/5393: 1456.
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2000, İnsanın En Güzel Tarihi, A. Çaykara (Çev.), İstanbul, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.

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1999, Modern İnsanın Kökeni, Nazım Özüaydın (Çev.), TÜBİTAK, İstanbul.

Lubenow, M.,
1998, “Recovery of Neandertal mtDNA: An Evaluation”, http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/4218tj_v12n1.asp, 1998, (17.04.2002).

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2000, “Unearthing Past Lives”, Washington University in St. Louis Winter 2000: 20-24.

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1999, Aklın Tarihöncesi, Dost Kitabevi Yayınları, Ankara.

Özbek, M.,
2000, Dünden Bugüne İnsan, Ankara, İmge Kitabevi.

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Stiner, M., G. Arsebük, F. C. Howell,
1996, “Cave Bears and Paleolithic Artifacts in Yarimburgaz Cave, Turkey: Dissecting a Palimpsest”, Geoarchaeology 11/4:279-327.

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1983, The Shanidar Neandertals, New York, Academic Press.

Valoch, K.,
1968, “Evolution of the Palaeolithic in Central and Eastern Europe”, Current Anthropology 9/5: 351-390.

Venturini, P.,
2002, “The Earliest Deliberate Burial? - Neandertal Burial - Fact or Fancy”, http://mason.gmu.edu/~pventurini/oldneand.htm, (18.02.2002).

White, R.,
1995, “Comment on ‘Concept-mediated Marking in the Lower Paleolithic’ by R. G. Bednarik”, Current Anthropology 36/4: 623-625.

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1995, “Comment on ‘Concept-mediated Marking in the Lower Paleolithic’ by R. G. Bednarik”, Current Anthropology 36/4: 625-626.

Wynn, T., W. C. McGrew,
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