Dincer or research teams included him, from 2000 to 2009.
(not including other Paleolithic sites in the region)
©Map: Berkay Dinçer
Map showing:
- Yatak (found by B. Dinçer in year 2000, Lower Paleolithic, Tekirdag)
- Balıtepe (found by B. Dinçer in year 2005, Lower Paleolithic, Tekirdag)
- Kuşçesme (found by B. Dinçer in year 2005, Lower Paleolithic, Tekirdag)
- Çakmaklı (found by B. Dinçer & O. Özbudak in year 2006, Lower-Middle Paleolithic, Istanbul)
- Omartepe Sırtı (found by B. Dinçer in year 2006, Middle Paleolithic, Kütahya)
- Akçeşme (found by B. Dinçer in year 2007, Lower Paleolithic, Tekirdag)
- Şahinkaya Cave (found by M. Şahin & B. Dinçer in year 2007, Middle Paleolithic, Bursa)
- Görükle (found by B. Dinçer in year 2008, Middle Paleolithic, Bursa)
- Belen Tepe (found by M. Şahin & B. Dinçer in year 2009, Lower-Middle Paleolithic,Bursa)
- Gavurevleri (found by M. Şahin & B. Dinçer in year 2009, Middle Paleolithic, Bursa)
- Manyas (found by S. Çağlar & B. Dinçer in year 2007, Middle Paleolithic, Balıkesir)
Publications about those sites:
Dinçer, B., L. Slimak,
2007, "The Paleolithic of Turkish Thrace: Synthesis and Recent Results", Turkish Academy of Sciences Archaeology Journal (TÜBA-Ar) X: 49-61. (YATAK-KUSTEPE-BALITEPE) (more publications in Turkish can be reached on this link: http://paleoberkay.atspace.com/berkaydincer.html)
Dinçer, B., 2008
"Kuzeybatı Türkiye'de Orta Paleolitik Çağ'la İlgili Yeni Keşifler", III. Ulusal Biyolojik Antropoloji Sempozyumu, Ankara (27-29 Ekim 2008). (AKCESME-CAKMAKLI-OMARTEPE SIRTI-GORUKLE-SAHİNKAYA CAVE)
Şahin, M., B. Dinçer, T. Zimmermann, 2009
"Neue Fundplätze des Älteren Paläolithikums bei Bursa in nordwestenanatolien (Türkei)", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 39/2: 153-162. (SAHİNKAYA CAVE-GORUKLE)
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