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Showing posts with label Archaeological Articles. Show all posts

25 February 2009

The Paleolithic of Turkish Thrace: Synthesis and Recent Results

This article is published in Turkish Academy of Sciences Archaeology Journal (TUBA-Ar) vol. X (2007).

To cite this work, please use the following information:
Dinçer, B., L. Slimak,
2007, "The Paleolithic of Turkish Thrace: Synthesis and Recent Results", Turkish Academy of Sciences Archaeology Journal (TÜBA-Ar) X: 49-61.

  1. Introduction
  2. The Lower Paleolithic of the Bosphorus
  3. The Paleolithic of Tekirdağ Province
  4. Yatak
  5. Kuştepe
  6. Balıtepe
  7. The age of the industries
  8. Conclusions

  1. Map showing the locations of the sites.
  2. Map showing the locations of Yatak and Kuştepe in Karansıllı village.
  3. View of Yatak from southwest.
  4. Stone cluster of collected stones from Yatak, in 2001.
  5. View of Kuştepe from northwest.
  6. View of Balıtepe from southwest.
  7. Stone tools from Yatak; chopper (top right), bifacial artifact (top left), chopping tools bottom right, left and middle).
  8. Stone tools from Kuştepe; chopping tool (top left), choppers (top right and bottom left) and a chopper on anvil (bottom right).
  9. A sleeping anvil from Kuştepe, showing pronounced stigmata of edge-batterings resulting from heavy percussions.
  10. Stone tools from Balıtepe; chopper (top) and two “micro” choppers (bottom).

All images related to the Paleolithic of Turkish Thrace

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