31 January 2009

Photos: Kutahya porcelain

Bird of Kutahya type porcelain.
Picture taken in Anatolian Civilisations Museum, Ankara.
©Berkay Dinçer

Photos: Asagi Pinar; Experimental archaeology

Constructing a traditional wooden house at Asagi Pinar.  Neolithic and Chalcolithic architecture were similar to those houses still being used in some parts of Turkish Thrace.
Photo used with verbal permission.

Photos: Bursa Ilipinar Hoyuk

Ilipinar Hoyuk
©Berkay Dinçer

Bursa Archaeology Map

Map showin prehistoric settlements in Bursa province.
1- Aktopraklık, 2- Bostin Bos Tepe (Yenisehir I), 3- Cumatepe (Inegol), 4- Cakirca, 5- Cardak, 6- Cayirkoy, 7- Demirtas, 8- Hacilartepe, 9- Ilipinar, 10- Inegol II, 11- Karadin, 12- Karasil I, 13- Karasil II, 14- Kopruhisar, 15- Kursunlu, 16- Marmaracik, 17- Mentese Hoyuk, 18- Soylemis, 19- Uyucek, 20- Yenikoy, 21- Yenisehir II (Barcin)

30 January 2009

Photos: Archaelogical animal bones

Archaeological animal bones are being washed.

16 January 2009

Photos: Archaeogeophysical software

Archaeogeophysical softwares usually enables different view options for the same data. This way archaeogeophysicsians can evaluate the situation of anomalies. 
Photo: ©Berkay Dinçer

Photos: Archaeogeophysics - Transfering data from gradiometer to computer

Fluxgate gradiometer can be connected to a computer. Old models (like this one in the photo) usually have no USB port. So they cannot work with new computers... This is how a Fluxgate gradiometer connected to a computer running Windows 98.

Photo: ©Berkay Dinçer

Photos: Archaeogeophysics - Taking notes is key to understand...

When making archaeogeophysical measurements, everything must be properly noted. Without taking notes, it is almost impossible to understand the measurements of the "machines".
Photo: ©Berkay Dinçer

Photos: Archaeogeophysics - Taking measurements

Measurements must be taken in a system. Most usual way of this is to put lines in previously set grid squares. Each time fluxgate gradiometer must start from the same side.
Photo: ©Berkay Dinçer

Photos: Archaeogeophysics - How to hold fluxgate gradiometer?

Fluxgate gradiometer must be held vertically to take measurements correctly,
Photo: ©Berkay Dinçer

Photos: Archaeogeophysics - Fluxgate gradiometer; screen and controls

Screen and control buttons of fluxgate gradiometer.
Photo: ©Berkay Dinçer

Photos: Archaeogeophysics - Fluxgate gradiometer

Fluxgate gradiometer in its case. 
Photo: ©Berkay Dinçer

Photos: Archaeogeophysics - Grid system on site

Before an archaeogeophysical work, it is best to put a grid system in the archaeological site. 
Photo: ©Berkay Dinçer

12 January 2009

Bibliography for The Third Scene

This is the cited references in The Third Scene.

Bayet, A.,
1991, Dine Karşı Düşünce Tarihi, C. Süreyya (Çev.), Broy Yayınları, İstanbul.

Braidwood, R. J.,
1995, Tarihöncesi İnsan, B. Altınok (Çev.), Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul.

Güvenç, B.,
1996, İnsan ve Kültür, Remzi Kitapevi, İstanbul.

Marx, K.,
1997, Kapital; Kapitalist Üretimin Eleştirel Bir Tahlili Cilt: I, A. Bilgi (Çev.), Sol Yayınları, Ankara.

Reid, S., P. Fara,
2001, Arkhimedes’ten Einstein’a Bilim Adamları, TÜBİTAK Popüler Bilim Kitapları, Ankara.

Schaefer, R. T., R. P. Lamm,
1995, Sociology, McGrew-Hill Inc., New York.

Tanilli, S.,
1981, Uygarlık Tarihi; Çağdaş Dünyaya Giriş, Say Kitap Pazarlama, İstanbul.
1995, Yüzyılların Gerçeği ve Mirası; İnsanlık Tarihine Giriş Cilt: II, Ortaçağ, Cem Yayınevi, İstanbul.

1995, Felsefe Sözlüğü I, L. Ay (Çev.), Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara.

Bibliography for Pergamon

This is the cited references in Protecting Pergamon.

Akman Proje Ltd.,
1991, Bergama Koruma Amaçlı İmar Planı.

Eriş, E.,
1991, Bergama Uygarlık Tarihi, Bergama Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları, No : 2, İzmir.

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1989, Taşınır-Taşınmaz Eski Eserler Hukuku.

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1979, Bergama Tarihi Konut Dokusundan Örnek Bir Alan Çözümlemesi: Yamaçevler Yerleşmesi, Dede-Kadı Sokak, Yayımlanmamış Teksir.

Tunçer, M.,
1995, Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma İçin Tarihsel Çevreyi Koruma Politikası : Ankara, Bergama ve Şanlıurfa Örnekleri, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, A.Ü., SBF.

Tunçer, M.,
1992, “Zeus’u Bırak, Bergama’ya Bak”, Konutbirlik Ekim-Kasım: 102-103.

Tunçer, M.,
1993, “Bergama Tarihi Kent Dokusu Sosyal Yapısı ve Korumaya Yönelik Öneriler”, Konutbirlik Mart: 107.

Bibliography for Bursa Archaeological Settlements -2

This is the cited references in Bursa Archeological Settlements (2).

Başlar, M., B. Dinçer, 2005
“Kültür Varlıklarının Korunmasında Yerel İnisiyatifin Önemi”, Nilüfer’de Yerel Gündem 1/4: 24-25.

Bittel, K., 1955
“Vorbemerkung”, Istanbuller Mitteilungen 6: 53-54.

Bottema, S., H. Woldring, 1995
"The Prehistoric Environment of the Lake İznik Area. A Palynological Study", The Ilıpınar Excavations I. Five Seasons of Field Work in NW Anatolia, 1987-1991, Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut, İstanbul: 9-16.

Bottema, S., H. Woldring, I. Kayan, 2001
"The Late Quaternary Vegetation History of Western Turkey", Ilıpınar Excavations II, J.J. Roodenberg, L. C. Thissen (eds.), Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut, Istanbul: 327-354.

Burney, C. A., 1956
“Northern Anatolia Before Classical Times”, Anatolian Studies 6: 179-203.

Eimermann, E., 2004
"Soundings at Early Bronze Age Hacılartepe in the İznik Region (NW Anatolia)", Anatolica XXX: 15-36.

French, D. H., 1967
“Prehistoric Sites in Northwest Anatolia, The İznik Area”, Anatolian Studies 17: 49-100.

Harmankaya, S., B. Erdoğu, 2002
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Karul, N., baskıda
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Karul, N., 2006
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Kayan, İ., 1995
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Mellaart, J., 1955
“Some Prehistoric Sites in North-Western Anatolia”, Istanbuller Mitteilungen 6: 55-88.

Özdoğan, M., 1985
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Özdoğan, M., 2002
“Fikirtepe Kültürü”, ArkeoAtlas 1: 102.

Roodenberg, J. J. (ed.), 1995
The Ilıpınar Excavations I. Five Seasons of Field Work in NW Anatolia, 1987-1991, Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut, İstanbul.

Roodenberg, J. J., 1999
"Investigations at Menteşe Höyük in the Yenişehir Basin (1996-97)", Anatolica XXV: 21-36.

Roodenberg, J. J., S. Alpaslan-Roodenberg, 2002
“Ilıpınar ve Menteşe”, ArkeoAtlas 1: 125.

Roodenberg, J. J., L. Thissen (eds.), 2001
Ilıpınar Excavations II, Nederlends Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut, Istanbul.

Roodenberg, J. J., A. van As, L. Jacobs, M.-H. Wijnen, 2003
“Early Settlement in the Plain of Yenişehir (NW Anatolia). The Basal Occupation Layers of Menteşe”, Anatolica XXIX: 17-59.

Thissen, L. C., 2000
Early Village Communnities in Anatolia and the Balkans, 6500-5500 cal BC (Studies in Cronology and Culture Contact), Basılmamış doktora tezi, Leiden Üniversitesi, Leiden.

11 January 2009

Bibliography for West Anatolia in the Early Bronze Age

This is the cited references in West Anatolia in the Early Bronze Age.

Blegen, C. W., J. L. Caskey, M. Rawson
1950, Troy I, General Introduction, The First and Second Settlement, Princeton University Press, Priceton.

Efe, T.,
1988, Demircihöyük, Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen 1975-1978, Band III, 2 Die Keramik 2C, Mainz.

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1997b, “New Concept on Tarsus-Troy Relations at Beginning at the EBA3 Period”, XXXIV. Uluslararası Assiriyoloji Kongresi, Ankara: 297-302.

2003, “Batı Anadolu, Son Kalkolitik ve İlk Tunç Çağları”, ArkeoAtlas 2: 94-129

Efe, T., D. Ş. M. Ay-Efe
2001, “Küllüoba: İç Kuzeybatı Anadolu’da Bir İlk Tunç Çağı Kenti: 1996- 2000 Yılları Arasında Yapılan Kazı Çalışmalarının Genel Değerlendirmesi”, Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi (TÜBA-AR) 4: 43-78

Erkanal, H.,
2003, “Liman Tepe”, ArkeoAtlas 2: 127.

Joukowski, M. S.,
1986, Prehistoric Aphrodisias I. An Account of the Excavations and Artifact Studies I-II, Court- St.Ettien.

Korfmann, M.,
2001, “Troya 1999 Kazıları”, Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı XXII/I: 279-288

2003, “Denizsel Troya Kültürü”, ArkeoAtlas 2: 132-137

Lloyd, S., J. Mellart,
1962, Beycesultan Volume I;The Chalcolitic and Early Bronze Age Levels, London.

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1968, “Excavations at Karataş-Semayük in Lycia, 1967”, American Journal of Archaeology 72: 243-263.

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1997, “Kırklareli Kazıları (Aşağıpınar ve Kanlıgeçit)”, Arkeoloji ve Sanat 77: 2-11.

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1986, "New Observations on the Relationship of Kültepe with Southeast Anatolia and North Syria during Third Millennium BC", Ancient Anatolia, Aspects of Change and Cultural Development, Essays in Honor of Machteld J. Mellink, J. V. Canby, E. Porada, B. S. Ridgway, T. Stech (eds.), London.

Sarı, D.,
2004, Küllüoba İlk Tunç Çağı 2 Çanak Çömleği, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Protohistorya ve Önasya Arkeolojisi Anabilim Dalı Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul.

Türkteki, M.,
2004, Küllüoba İlk Tunç Çağı III Çanak Çömleği, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Protohistorya ve Önasya Arkeolojisi Anabilim Dalı, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul.

10 January 2009

Bibliography for "From shamans to prophets; Birth of religions in the Near East"

This is the cited references in From shamans to prophets; Birth of religions in the Near East.

Ağaoğulları, M. A., L. Köker,
1997, Tanrı Devletinden Kral-Devlete; Siyasal Düşünceler, İmge Kitabevi, Ankara.

Arsebük, G.,
1995, İnsan ve Evrim, Ege Yayıncılık, İstanbul.

Ballard, R. D.,
2001, “Derin Karadeniz”, National Geographic Türkiye 2: 98-114.

Braidwood, R. J.,
1995, Tarihöncesi İnsan, B. Altınok (Çev.), Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul.

Dolukhanov, P.,
1998, Eski Ortadoğu’da Çevre ve Etnik Yapı, S. Aydın (Çev.), İmge Kitapevi, Ankara.

Heinrich, E.,
1982, Die Tempel und Heiligtümer im alten Mesopotamien: Typologie, Morphologie und Geschichte, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin.

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1999, Modern İnsanın Kökeni, Nazım Özüaydın (Çev.), TÜBİTAK, İstanbul.

Mierop, M. Van de,
1999, The Ancient Mesopotamian City, Oxford University Press, New York.

Özdoğan,M., A. Özdoğan,
1998, “Buildings of Cult and the Cult of Buildings”, G. Arsebük, M. Mellink, W. Schirmer (eds.), Light on Top of the Black Hill, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul: 581-601.

Roaf, M.,
1984, “Ubaid Houses and Temples”, Sumer XLIII/1-2: 80-90.

Rousseau, J. J.,
1982, Toplum Sözleşmesi, Adam Yayıncılık, İstanbul

Schmidt, K.,
2000, “Göbekli Tepe and the Rock Art of the Near East”, TÜBA-AR 3: 1-14.

Sevin, V.,
2001, “Hakkari Stelleri: Zap Irmağı Kıyısında Bozkır Göçebeleri”, TÜBA-AR 4: 79-88.

1995, Felsefe Sözlüğü I, Lütfi Ay (Çev.), Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, İstanbul.

09 January 2009

Chart of human evolution

Simplified human evolution chart.

©Berkay Dinçer

08 January 2009

Photos: Yarimburgaz Cave

Yarımburgaz Caves, located in Istanbul, has two cavities; upper and lower. Excavations in upper cave yielded Neolithic/Chalcolithic layers, excavations in lower cave shed light to one of the earliest (400kyr) Lower Paleolithic occupations of Turkey. 

07 January 2009

Bibliography for Obsidian and Fission Track

This is the cited references in Obsidian and Fission Track.

Abbes, F., N. Balkan-Atlı, D. Binder, M.-C. Cauvin,
1999, “Etude Téchnologique Préliminaire de l’Industrie Lithique d’Aşıklı Höyük”, Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 2: 117-137.

Arsebük, G.,
1998, “Yarımburgaz Mağarası: Pleistosen Arkeolojisi ile İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış”, Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 1: 7-25.

Balkan-Atlı, N., D. Binder, M.-C. Cauvin,
1999, “Obsidian: Sources, Workshops and Trade in Central Anatolia”, M. Özdoğan and N. Başgelen (eds.), Neolithic in Turkey, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul: 133-145.

Esin, U.,
1986, “Arkeolojide Kullanılan Arkeometrik Araştırmalara Genel Bir Bakış”, I. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı (1985), T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı Anıtlar ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara: 1-6.

1996, “Turkish Archaeometri in Anatolian Archaeology with A Bibliographical Appendix”, S. Demirci, A.M. Özer, G.D. Sumers (eds.), Archaeometry ’94, TUBITAK, Ankara: 351-364.

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1996, “Obsidian in Anatolia: An Archaeological Perspective on The Status of Research”, S. Demirci, A.M. Özer, G.D. Sumers (eds.), Archaeometry ’94, TUBITAK, Ankara: 423-431.

Renfrew, C., P. Bahn,
1998, Archaeology, Thames and Hudson, London.

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1983, “Tülintepe, Tepecik, Çayönü Obsidienlerinin Plato Düzeltme Tekniği ile Bulunmuş Yaşları”, Arkeometri Ünitesi Bilimsel Toplantı Bildirileri III (1982), TÜBİTAK Yayınları, No: 566, Ankara: 253-258.

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1988, “Obsidien ve Anadolu’daki Farklı Yerleşim Bölgelerine Ait Obsidienlerin Kaynak Belirleme Çalışmaları”, III. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı (1987), T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı Anıtlar ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara: 193-201.

Yeğingil, Z., G. Bigazzi, M. Özdoğan, M. Oddone, T. Ercan,
1991, “Kuzeybatı Anadolu Obsidien Buluntularının Fizyon İz Tarihlendirme Yöntemi Kullanılarak Tarih Belirleme Çalışmaları”, VI. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı (1990), T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı Anıtlar ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara: 73-86.

Bibliography for Upper Paleolithic in Eastern Europe

This is the cited references in Upper Paleolithic in Eastern Europe.

Arsebük, G.,
1995, İnsan ve Evrim, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul.

Avcı, M.,
2000, “Yeryüzünün Zoocoğrafya Bölgeleri ve Türkiye’nin Yeri”, Coğrafya Dergisi 8: 157-200.

Bahn, P., J. Vertut,
1997, Journey Through the Ice Age, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London.

Ballard, R. D.,
2001, “Derin Karadeniz”, National Geographic Türkiye 2: 98-114.

Dergachev, V.,
1989, “Neolithic and Bronze Age Cultural Communities of the Steppe Zone of the USSR”, Antiquity 63: 793-802.

Dinçer, B.,
2003, “Neandertal İnsanıyla Bir İlişkimiz Var Mıydı?”, Hürriyet Bilim 71: 18-19.

Engels, F.,
1998, Ailenin, Özel Mülkiyetin ve Devletin Kökeni, K. Somer (Çev.), Sol Yayınları, Ankara.

Gorbachev, M.,
1987, October and Perestroika: The Revolution Continues, Novosti Press Agency, Moscow.

Jochim, M.,
2002a, “Chapter 3: The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic”, European Prehistory, A Survey, S. Milisauskas (Ed.), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York: 15-54.

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Klein, R. G.,
2003, “Kültürel Evrim Genetik Mutasyonla Aniden Gerçekleşti”, Hürriyet Bilim 62: 20-21.

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1999, Modern İnsanın Kökeni, N. Özüaydın (Çev.), TÜBİTAK, Ankara.

Milisauskas, S.,
2002, “Chapter 2: The Present Environment, A Geographic Summary”, European Prehistory, A Survey, S. Milisauskas (Ed.), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York: 7-14.

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1999, Aklın Tarihöncesi, İ. Kutluk (Çev.), Dost Kitabevi Yayınları, Ankara.

Özdoğan, M.,
1983, "Trakya’da Tarihöncesi Araştırmaların Bugünkü Durumu ve Bazı Sorunlar", Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10/11: 21-58.

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1999, “Erzurum Yolculuğu 1835”, Erzurum Yolculuğu-Biyelkin’in Öyküleri, A. Behramoğlu (Çev.), Yenigün Haber Ajansı Basın ve Yayıncılık A.Ş., İstanbul: 13-77.

Stiles, D.,
1979, “Paleolithic Culture and Culture Change: Experiment in Theory and Method”, Current Anthropology 20/1: 1-21.

Şengör, A. M. C.,
2003, “Bilimci Bilimi Niçin Yapar?”, Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknik 824: 55.

Vasil’ev, S. A.,
2002, “Palaeolithic Studies in Russia: Retrospect and Prospects”, Archaeologies of Europe; History, Methods & Theories, P. Biehl, A. Gramsch, A. Marciniak (Eds.), Tübinger Archaeologische Taschenbücher, Tübingen.

06 January 2009

Bibliography for Middle Paleolithic Populations

This is the cited references in Middle Paleolithic Populations.

Barber-Hilton B. ve Berger R.,L.,
2002, The Official Field Guide to The Cradle of Humankind, Struik Publishers.

Bar-Yosef O.,
1998, "The Chronology of The Middle Paleolithic of The Levant", Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia, T. Akazawa, K. Aoki, O. Bar-Yosef (eds.), Plenum, New York.

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2000, "The Middle and Early Upper Paleolitihic in Southwest Asia and Neighboring Regions", The Geography of Neanderthals and Modern Humans in Europe and The Greater Mediterranean, O. Bar-Yosef, D. Pilbeam (eds.), Cambridge.

Carciumaru M., Moncel M.H, Anghelinu M., Carciumaru R.,
2002, "The Cioarei-Borosteni Cave (Carpathian Mountains, Romania): Middle Paleolitihic Finds and Technological analysis of the Lithic Assemblages", Antiquity 76.

Clark, D. J.,
1965, “The Later Pleistocene Cultures of Africa”, Science 150/3698.
Davis R. S., Ranov V. A.,
1999, "Recent Work on the Paleolithic of Central Asia", Evolutionary Anthropology 8/5.

Gamble C.,
1999, The Paleolithic Societies of Europe, Cambridge University Press.

Gao Xing and Norton C.J.,
2002, "A Critique of the Chinese Middle Palaeolithic", Antiquity 76.

Jelinek, A. J.,
1981 "The Middle Paleolithic in the Southern Levant from the Perspective of the Tabun Cave", Prehistorie du Levant, J. Cauvin, P. Sanlaville (eds.), Editions du CNRS, Paris: 265-280.

Klein,G. R.,
1989, Human Career, The University of Chicago Press.

Kuhn S.L.,
1995, Mousterian Lithic Technology. An Ecological Perspective, Princeton University Press, Princeton.

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1997, The Zagros Mousterian: A Regional Persperctive, The Arizona State University Anthropology Department, Unpublished Graduate Thesis, Arizona, USA.

Marks A. E.,
1992, "Typological Variability in the Levantine Middle Paleolithic", The Middle Paleolitihic: Adaptation, Behavior and Variability, H. L. Dibble, P. Mellars (eds.), The University Museum University of Pennsylvania.

Meignen, L.,
1995, “Levallois Lithic Production Systems in the Middle Paleolithic of the Near East: The case of the unidirectional method”, The Definition and Interpretation of Levallois Technology, H. L. Dibble, O. Bar-Yosef (eds.), Prehistory Press, Madison.

Mertens, S. B.,
1996, "The Middle Paleolithic in Romania", Current Anthropology 37/3.

Minzoni-Déroche A.,
1993, "Middle and Upper Paleolithic in the Taurus-Zagros Region", The Paleolithic Prehistory of The Zagros-Taurus, D. I. Olszewski, H. L. Dibble (eds.), The University Museum University of Pennsylvania.

Rolland, N., ve Dibble, H. L.,
1990, "A New Synthesis of Middle Paleolithic Variability", American Antiquity 55.

Shea, J. J.,
2003a, "Neandertals, Competition, and the Origin of Modern Human Behavior in the Levant", Evolutionary Anthropology 12.

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2003b, "The Middle Paleolithic of the East Mediterranean Levant", Journal of World Prehistory 17/4.

Smith, Philip E.L.,
1986, Palaeolithic Archaeology in Iran, Philadelphia:The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania.

Whitehouse, D., Whitehouse, R.,
1975, Archaeological Atlas of the World, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London.

05 January 2009

Bibliography for Did we have a relationship with Neandethals?

This is the cited references in Did we have a relationship with Neandethals?.

Appenzeller, T.,
1998, “Art: Evolution or Revolution?”, Science 282/5393: 1451-1454.

Arsebük, G.,
1995, İnsan ve Evrim, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul.

Bahn, P., J. Vertut,
1997, Journey Through the Ice Age, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London.

Bednarik, R. G.,
1995, “Concept-Mediated Marking in the Lower Paleolithic”, Current Anthropology 36/4: 605-634.

Dinçer, B.,
2002, “Neandertal Zekası”, PALEOBERKAY.CJB.NET, 12.06.2002, http://paleoberkay.atspace.com/turkce/neandertalz.html, 17.03.2003.

Mithen, S.,
1999, Aklın Tarihöncesi, Dost Kitapevi Yayınları, Ankara.

Ramanan, K.,
2002, “Burial, Ritual, Religion and Cannibalism”, http://thunder.indstate.edu/ ~ramanank/ritual.html, 19.02.2002.

04 January 2009

Bibliography for Mousterian Culture

This is the cited references in Mousterian Culture.

Appenzeller, T.,
1998, "Art: Evolution or Revolution?", Science 282/5393: 1451-1454.

Arsebük, G.,
1995, İnsan ve Evrim, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul.

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